Summary of March 28, 2018 BOS Meeting
You May not have the time to download and read the entire minutes from the biweekly meetings of the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS), or the approved minutes may not yet be available on the Township website (here), so I created this summary from the March 28, 2018, meeting. I also included some links to related information including video clips from meetings. I'll do the same for future meetings. This is not a complete list of items discussed.
Finance Committee: Resolution 2018-R-12 passed 5-0: The Finance Committee is created to serve as an advisory committee to the Supervisors with a dual emphasis on budget analysis and revenue generating opportunities or any tasks or responsibilities as assigned by the Board of Supervisors, and to advise on economic development. Members of the Finance Committee with terms ending December 31, 2018 are: Mark Boada, Stuart Caplan, Richard Weaver, Hank Schrandt, Margaret Dissinger, Jack Brod and George Skladany
Technology Committee: Mr. Mack, Technology Committee Liaison. The Committee met last night and re-appointed the chairperson and co-chairperson. There was discussion about how to better communicate with the Board and vice versa. Mr. Mack informed the Committee that the Board would like to hear suggestions and suggested that the chairperson make a report to the Board at a work session or Supervisors meeting. Mr. Calabro suggested the Committee report at a televised meeting as is done with other committees. Mr. Mack made a motion to approve Resolution 2018-R-11 establishing the Newtown Township Technology Committee and setting forth its mission, structure and composition. The motion passed 5-0.
Finance Committee: Resolution 2018-R-13: passed 5-0: Committee members will have a one year term ending 2018. Mr. Ferguson stated he would be able to approve funding to a certain amount but if the Committee would create an action plan and specific projects/events, that it could be a line item in the 2019 budget Members of the Veterans Committee with terms ending December 31, 2018 are: Jay Schnitzer, Ed Valenti, Rhett Baxter, Jim Casey, Charles Resch, Jim Gieseke and John D'Aprile.
Gas & Oil Drilling/Fracking: The Township received a sample resolution [from the Delaware Riverkeeper Network] opposing fracking detailing facts and figures from scientific studies regarding the adverse impact of fracking. Mr. Mack commented that during the March 19th Work Session, the issue of the massive amount of trucks was mentioned that would be coming through if there was fracking done north of Newtown. It would be detrimental to the road infrastructure and the well-being of the community. Mr. Calabro called the vote. The motion passed 4-1, Mr. Davis voting nay. [Read "Newtown Township Supports a Complete & Permanent Ban on Fracking and Related Activities"]
Comments made at the meeting by Sharon Furlong, Lower Southampton Township resident, is a spokesperson for the Bucks Environmental Action Group and Bucks County Sierra Club.
Good Government
Minutes of BOS meetings: Mr. Mack made a note that minutes are accessible to the public once they are approved. However, there is a delay on posting them on the website until Board member signatures are acquired or corrections need to be made. Mr. Ferguson said if there are no changes, the minutes can be signed and posted the following day. If corrections need to be made, the Township administrative assistant will post a temporary copy of the minutes which would then be replaced with the corrected copy.
Social Media Guidelines: Mr. Sander spoke on a proposed social media policy for the Township. He recommended that the Board authorize his office to draft a policy to bind all non-union employees and elected officials. The policy would be used as a negotiation point in 2018 union negotiations with CWA non-uniform and CWA fire, and police. Motion Discussion: Mr. Mack asked for an estimate of the cost and that it wouldn't infringe on a person's 1st Amendment rights. Mr. Sander replied that the policy would include reference to the 1st Amendment, and that the policy would take approximately 3 hours to draft. The motion passed 5-0. [See John Mack's Social Media and Online Ethics Resource Kit.]
Parks and Recreation
Trails: In regards to a DCNR grant, the Bucks County Planning Commission has asked the municipalities for their support in a recreational trail connecting Newtown Borough to Washington Crossing and Yardley Borough. The feasibility study assists the BCPC to seek grants. The motion passed 5-0.
Public Health
Opioid Crisis: Mr. Mack attended an Addiction and Opioid Awareness education event hosted by the Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission at St. Andrews School. Attendees were trained on and were given Narcan and received two doses of Narcan as a handout. There was also a "medicine locker" for prescription drugs that can be used to keep children away from the drugs. There is a National Drug Takeback Day on April 28, 2018 from 10AM to 2PM at the Newtown Municipal Building and at the Newtown Athletic Club (NAC) which will also hold an informative drug symposium from Noon to 4PM. [Read "Report from the Together We Can Convention"]
Public Works
Roadway Improvement: W. Jeffrey Nagorny, Township Engineer, stated that the road program was re-bid last week. There will be a pre-bid meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 and the opening of bids will be done on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 10AM. [Read "Faulty Bids Cause Delay in 2018 Road Improvement Program"]
Frost Lane: The traffic results have been about 10 MPH over the limit in the school zone. Speed enforcement will be done within the school zone and other areas soon. A blinking speed limit sign will be installed. This has been successful in having drivers reduce their speed. The speed signs around the school seem to be sufficient and some will be replaced this summer. Mr. Mack commented that Mr. Ferguson's report was very well done and that residents of Frost Lane appreciated the information that was shared. [Read "Frost Lane Traffic Study"]
Posted on 12 Apr 2018, 11:55 - Category: Board of Supervisors Minutes
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